
May 8, 2020 Joyology

Joyology - The Science of Happiness

Science and Happiness. They seem like an odd couple. Opposing thoughts not even in the same time zone. Happiness is the fun-loving, hug-everyone, life-of-the-party, have-a-beer-with kind of word. Science is a get-down-to-business, be-serious-now, let’s face it – buzz kill. But actually, there has been a lot of science around the Pursuit of Happiness. Especially when … Continued

News & Reviews

May 8, 2020 Joyology

The Official Joyitudes Guide to Organic Happiness

Here at the Joyitudes Blog we are laser focused on happiness. Medicinally, recreationally and scientifically focused. In fact, you are free to consider this entire space a happy medium. Everything you see here will be designed to help you restore happiness, retain happiness and remain in your happiest state of mind. And whether you are … Continued

News & Reviews

May 8, 2020 Joyology

Imagine Sleeping with a Scuba Mask On

That’s basically what it’s like for people with sleep apnea. It’s estimated that 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea. The vast majority of cases are what’s known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea and CPAP machines are the standard treatment. Even with a variety of different designs, they’re all basically a mask you wear on your … Continued

News & Reviews

May 8, 2020 Joyology

What’s the #1 Cause of Stress? Evolution.

Long ago, when we were just wee lads as a species and not yet occupying our current location on the food chain, we developed a wonderful tool to help keep us alive. Stress. It’s part of the fight or flight response system that triggers us to be hyper aware. Our heartbeat quickens. Adrenaline and cortisol … Continued

News & Reviews

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