Nov 10, 2020
How Does Marijuana Make You Feel Happy?
Most scientists, friends and family would agree that people who smoke marijuana are generally happier than those who don't.
News & Reviews
Oct 27, 2020
Meditation 101: Tips for Beginners
Meditation is often associated solely with Buddhism and yoga, but its benefits are far reaching and more universal than you might think. Meditation is a way to help ground yourself and find solace in even the smallest of moments. As we quoted Buddha in an earlier blog, “There is no way to Happiness. Happiness is … Continued
News & Reviews
Aug 28, 2020
Why do certain songs make us feel happy on an emotional and physical level? The answer may lie in the hard-wiring of our brains and our connection to the music we’ve listened to in our lives. It’s no secret that music can make us happy, but how it does this is fascinating. Scientists at the … Continued
News & Reviews
May 8, 2020
Where Does Happiness Live in Our Brains
When this animation was originally released, many thought it represented Happiness. The mysterious “they” of internet explained that this was a myosin motor molecule transporting endorphins active filament into the inner part of the parietal cortex of the brain. The Science of Happiness! It’s true that this precious cargo of Endorphins can minimize pain, by … Continued
News & Reviews